donderdag 31 mei 2012

In my story there are crazy trashcan cleaning robots.
They clean stuf up, they are used to clean up the earth.
but they are not very clever, and end up betraying the humans!


maandag 21 mei 2012

 The black and white colorkey also just because it looks awesome like this!
Colorkey 2#
 Kolorkey painting 1#
The kolorkey before the color.
I found it in black and white also interesting.
Just another set painting, not very good at it so it's just a quick one.

maandag 7 mei 2012

This is one of my sets for my final exam (pitch book)
hope you like it.

vrijdag 4 mei 2012

Some props I made.
(weapons and random props)

Here are some action pose sketches. 

These were pretty fun to make. It went pretty fast, and is a fun technique. Although I have alot to work on when it comes to drawing anatomy. Hope you guys like it.